Robert Davis, MDiv, DMin
Board member
Dr. Robert Davis is the Executive Director of UnBoxed, a nonprofit organization that provides executive coaching and leadership training to help organizations create strong workplace relationship cultures. He also serves as Project Coordinator for the Denver Task Force To Reimagine Policing and Public Safety.
Dr. Robert Davis is a Family Life Specialist with 20+ years of experience as a Senior Pastor, Family Life Educator, and Hospice Chaplain and Bereavement Coordinator. He has inspired congregations and organizations across America and around the world to better understand how to function as a healthy family using ethnic and cultural strengths. He holds a Masters of Divinity in Pastoral Counseling, and a Doctor of Ministry in Marriage and Family. His studies have led him to understand that churches, workplaces, and organizations operate as a “family” and that the strength of an organization depends on the healthy family functioning of its members/employees.
Prior to arriving in Denver, Dr. Davis was the Senior Pastor of the Berean Seventh-day Adventist Church in Baton Rouge, LA. He was deeply involved with community policing and social justice efforts. He also established the Berean Wellness and Community Support Center, which served as a Nurse Practitioner operated clinic providing medical treatment for underserved and uninsured individuals.
Since moving to Denver in 2016, Dr. Davis has continued his involvement in the community and social justice efforts. He has served on several community-based law enforcement committees of the Denver Safety Department focusing on police oversight, use of force policy reforms, data collection initiatives, and working with Denver’s District Attorney.
Other Positions Held
Dr. Davis is also involved with various community organizations and collaborates to improve communities in the areas of spiritual growth, social justice, and quality of life issues.
- He serves as Vice President At-large for the Greater Metro Denver Ministerial Alliance;
- Founded the Colorado chapter of Adventist for Social Justice;
- Serves on Together Colorado’s Statewide Faith Leaders Caucus, providing African American leadership and perspective to assist Together Colorado in pursuing social justice and racial reconciliation;
- Cofounder, with Imam Ali, the Park Hill Interfaith CommUNITY Fest, which unites Muslims, Jews, and Christian denominations for the purpose of strengthening the Park Hill community through holistic health, education, and economic empowerment; and
- Organized Denver Park Hill SDA Church to serve as a Safe Haven for the Denver Department of Public Safety GRID division. Activated two Safe Haven initiatives that provided spiritual and emotional support for Park Hill after two tragic gun violence episodes, and participated in multiple activations across the city.