Can Colorado provide your family with affordable health care and excellent benefits?
Let’s find out!
Support SB 25-045
The Health Care Analysis Bill
Read the bill:
Tell your Colorado Senator and State Representative to vote for SB25-045
Tell them why your family needs a better way to pay for high quality health care with no deductibles and no co-pays.
Learn who your senator and representative are and how to contact them:
In 2019, the bipartisan Colorado Health Care Cost Savings Act study found Colorado could cover everyone and save billions with a single nonprofit payer for everyone’s health care
Tell them to act on the data!
Take Action—Sign our petition!
In 2019, the bipartisan Health Care Cost Savings Act commissioned a study that found that, compared to our current health care system or to universal health care via what we have plus a public option, only a single universal health care nonprofit payment system for Colorado’s health care could save billions, cover everyone, and improve our economy.
Next step? Analyze Universal Health Care Payment System, which would have the Colorado School of Public Health Evaluate whether a health care plan based on these health care essentials could work in Colorado!
Check out this toolkit that includes fact sheets, endorsements, and talking points for the bill.
We’ve put together a bunch of resources so you can help the campaign in whatever ways work for you.

Contact Your Legislators and Gov. Polis
Use our pre-prepared scripts to contact your legislators and Gov. Polis by email or by phone.

Write a letter to the editor or forum post
How to write a great LTE
Here’s Sample letter to download and tailor before you send

Spread the Word
Share CO4UHC social media posts.
A single payer health care payment system wins the day, saves millions to billions, and helps ALL coloradans, Colo. study finds
A nonpartisan Colorado Health Care Cost Savings Act of 2019 resulted in a study, delivered to Colorado Legislators on Sept. 1, 2020, that analyzed how a single nonprofit payer for our privately delivered health care would perform compared to our current health care system in Colorado and a system aiming toward universal coverage via many payers including for-profit health insurers.
The results show a single nonprofit payer for our privately delivered health care in Colorado would not only cover everyone and save money; it would net savings upon savings upon savings—and benefits on top of benefits.
Check out the 7-page summary by the Health Care Cost Savings Act Task Force.
Gov. Jared Polis and Colo. Legislators: Act on the data! Cover everyone with health care the single payer way ASAP.
Americans are now more afraid of health care bills than we are of getting sick. In Colorado more than 350,000 are uninsured while about double that number have health insurance but cannot afford to use it due to high deductibles and copays.
In the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, due to the harsh risks of having one’s health insurance tied to employment, one in four Coloradans are on Medicaid. The US and Colorado still struggle under the most expensive and outlandishly complex health care system in the world. Why? Because that system profits billionaires who stop at nothing to defeat universal health care.
But now you have clear data showing you the way forward! Want to save Coloradans money on health care? Your own experts, hired at the bequest of a bipartisan bill, tell you how.
Act on the data!
Contact your Legislators
Just 5 minutes of your day could get our communities one step closer to a more just health care system. Please remember—personal stories are the keystone to a good email or phone call.
Want to get more involved? Join our Legislative Action Team. Email Jim Potter.

Phone script

Email script
Spread the Word
- Interested in writing thoughtful blog posts or letters to the editor? Email Bill Semple.
- Are you a social media guru looking to reach a wider audience? Email Patricia Rice.