
Body Take Back

Yoga for Health Care Justice

4 to 5:15 p.m. Friday, Feb. 7

Practice yoga to benefit Colorado for Universal Health Care’s work!

CO4UHC board member Kate Johnston, LCSW is an excellent yoga teacher and therapist who is committed to social and health justice—and healing our health care system so that it actually cares for us. No yoga experience is necessary! You can modify all suggested movements to fit your body’s needs, and those on Zoom can leave their camera’s on or off.

The cost is $10-25 on a sliding scale and this is a fundraiser for CO4UHC. 

To register now, download the Cambio Yoga app for Android or for iphone and look for the event under workshops. Or, register on the Cambio website: Click here to register for in person at Cambio Yoga Austin Bluffs in Colorado Springs or online.

Two medical providers with glasses, one female and one male, in profile.

Grow the grassroots for IM4A!

6:30 p.m. the 2nd Tuesday of each month.

CO4UHC Monthly Grassroots Call

Join the Colorado grassroots movement to win Improved Medicare for All, Colorado universal health!

On these monthly calls, activists get connected with others working on universal health care in Colorado, give updates on their recent actions, ask questions, volunteer, and team up to make a difference.

Smiling people hold signs for Improved medicare for All

Past Events

Racism as a Threat in Our Health Care System

A League of Women Voters of Colorado event

Panelists include Madi Jacobs, MD; Lelieth Thompson, Psy.D, and Sara Wright—all of Colorado for Universal Health Care.

6:30 to 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 14 on Zoom.

A bunch of people in a row of various backgrounds and ailments together say "America, It's time for a Check Up."

Grand Junction: Healing US documentary film

Hosted by Boulder DSA’s Medicare for All

Doors open at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 24

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Grand Valley
536 Ouray, Grand Junction, CO 81501

Free and open to the public. Register HERE.

A bunch of people in a row of various backgrounds and ailments together say "America, It's time for a Check Up."

Deep Values Canvassing Training

For Single Payer Universal Health Care supporters

6:30 to 8 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 25

Deep Values Canvassing is proven to create change in how people vote and connect across differences. Learn more before you talk with your neighbors about single payer universal health care or ahead of the upcoming election.

Online on Zoom. Free and open to the public. Register to receive the Zoom link HERE.

Two women of color talk in-depth outside.

Just. True. Fair.

How do we get to racial equity in universal health care?

6:30 to 8 pm. p.m. Thursday, Sept. 5

With an aim of ensuring racial equity in health care, panelists and attendees will delve into the question: What in a universal health care system would help it fully embody racial equity?

The event is a fundraiser for the Colorado Racial Equity Study.

Power panelists include Colorado State Sen. James Coleman, Sade Cooper, Bianka Emerson, JD, and Lelieth Thompson, PsyD. 

Two medical providers with glasses, one female and one male, in profile.

March with CO4UHC in the Louisville Labor Day Parade!

Meet 8 a.m. on Monday, Sept. 2
in the Shamrock Foods (formerly Alfalfa’s) parking lot
785 E. South Boulder Road in Louisville
RSVP/borrow a costume: Swrightuniversalhealth(at)

Join Colorado for Universal Health Care to march for a single payer universal health care system so every worker has full comprehensive health care. Every worker is essential!

A variety of workers celebrate Labor Day while affirming that single payer universal health care frees you to work where you want.

Healing US documentary film

5 p.m. Tuesday, March 19

Hosted by League of Women Voters Denver 

The documentary Healing US (2023), narrated by Susan Sarandon, highlights our nation’s health care crisis and pleads with the American people to take action for our own well-being.

Diane Dunn from Colorado Foundation for Universal Health Care will respond to questions after the film. The briefing will be on Zoom and the link and more info is available here. You do not need to be League members to participate. Please notice the time, earlier than usual at 5 p.m. so that there is time for questions after 75-minute film.

Watch the Trailer

A bunch of people in a row of various backgrounds and ailments together say "America, It's time for a Check Up."

Could universal health work in CO? A 2024 bill will investigate

6:30 p.m. Jan. 22

Info & Action Session

Get to know the bill to analyze a single nonprofit health care payment system for Colorado that CO Rep. Karen McCormick will introduce this month. She and Andrea Wilkins of Be the Agenda will give an overview of the bill: Analysis of Universal Health Care Payment System. CO4UHC Legislative Action Coordinator Virginia Gebhart will give a training on Navigating the CO Assembly Website to prep folks to testify at the Colorado Legislature in person or remotely. Then, Virginia’s co-leader Jim Potter, Board Chair Bill Semple, and others will open it up to answer your questions.

A 3-D bridge of white jigsaw pieces almost meets at one red interconnecting piece.

Let’s celebrate Jeri (and Bernie’s) Birthday!

A fundraiser for Colorado for Universal Health Care (CO4UHC)

6 to 8 p.m. Friday, Sept. 8, 2023 in Greeley

RSVP: Address provided with RSVP

What do Colorado attorney Jeri Shepherd and U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders have in common? A birthday & a desire to see everyone benefit from improved Medicare for All!

Let’s help Jeri celebrate her 65th birthday (and Bernie’s Birthday) from 6-8 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 8 in Greeley, a fundraiser for Colorado Foundation for Universal Health Care (CO4UHC). Your support fuels our work for a bright day with health care for all in both Colorado and the US.

Greeley attorney Jeri Shepherd and US Sen. Bernie Sanders, who share a birthday of Sept. 8, are pictured side by side with cake and confetti.

Colorado Health: From Chaos to Care

6:30 pm Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Online on Zoom

Public health, primary care, and community health unite! Medical Professionals for Universal Health Care invite you to explore how primary care, public health, and community health can fit together and fix health care. Speakers include:

  • Bernie Birnbaum, MD Family Medicine, Ft. Collins, former President, Larimer County Board of Health
  • Mark Wallace, MD, MPH, Family Medicine, Chief Clinical Officer for Sunrise Community Health, Weld County; Former Exec. Dir. Weld County Dept. of Public Health and Environment. 
  • Mitzi Moran, Chief Executive Officer at Sunrise Community Health in Greeley, Chair of the Health Care Cost Savings Act #1176 Task Force
    Learn more about our speakers here. 

Smiling people hold signs for Improved medicare for All

American Hospitals: Healing a Broken System

7 pm Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Alamo Drafthouse Cinema—Sloans Lake
4255 W Colfax Ave. Denver, CO 80204 Google Map & Directions

Denver movie premier with special guest Wendell Potter

Join the Colorado Foundation for Universal Health Care and its partners for this exciting Denver movie premier. American Hospitals takes a deep dive into the out-of-control cost of hospitals and their transformation into a money-driven big business. How can we incentivize hospitals to provide the highest quality care with the lowest affordable cost to the community? Health insurance exec turned truth teller Wendell Potter joins us in person for the event. 

Smiling people hold signs for Improved medicare for All

Your money or your life: private equity groups invade health care

Private equity groups have been buying up physician’s practices, nursing homes, hospices, and now own 25 percent of US hospitals. When these firms invade health care, patients suffer and sometimes die as a result of cutting staffing and cutting care to enhance profits for the investors.

Join the Colorado Foundation for Universal Health Care’s Patricia Rice for a lively discussion with distinguished professor and author Laura Katz Olson, whose book Ethically Challenged: Private Equity Storms US Health care sheds light on the motives and malevolent maneuvers of these health care space. 

A woman screams as a freaky looking alien grabs her.

Workshop: Get your local elected body to endorse improved Medicare for All!

Join Fort Collins, Denver, the Town of Jamestown, Colorado and more than 100 U.S. cities in the action.

Statewide on Zoom

The goal of this workshop is to give health care providers, activists, and legislators the tools they need to pass Proclamations in your communities for Improved Medicare for All. These actions show our Colorado legislators and US Congresspeople that we want universal health care! Colorado legislation is in the works to get us there.

We’ll hear from volunteers who did the work in Denver and Fort Collins. They’ll respond to your questions and provide the tools you need to get a proclamation passed in your community. 

Denver and Fort Collins city councils have endorsed improved Medicare for all! Your city could be next!

Mend Our Broken US Health Care System!

Noon, Saturday July 30, 2022

To celebrate Medicare & Medicaid’s 57th Birthday, Medical Professionals for Universal Health Care will host a panel to show the connection between health care justice, environmental justice, mental health care access, and equal rights for disabled humans!
Speakers include Lelieth Thompson, psychologist and Colorado Foundation for Universal Health Care Board member, Tom Wilson, a disability rights and health care activist, and Juan Roberto Madrid, who pairs his experience with health care as a Navy Special OPS and SEALS team member with a Master’s in Public Health and a passion for environmental justice.
Learn more about these speakers and register today! At the event, learn what we can each do to raise the bar for everyone and win universal health care for Coloradans!
A shattered stethoscope paired with the title Shattered Lives & Health Care Justice

Online: Shattered—The Moral Crisis in American Health Care

11 a.m. MST Saturday, Feb. 19, 2022

Online: Zoom

Moral injury: knowing what needs to be done and being powerless to do it.

Health care providers have been dealing moral injury for years: doctors daily asked to violate their Hippocratic oath in order to appease corporate profiteers; nurses being asked to care for too many patients; physical therapists being shut out of patient care by insurance networks; mental health therapists unable to provide patient care due to the labyrinth of billing systems; patients refused care because they can’t afford it or aren’t profitable enough.

The U.S. broken health care system puts the profit of the few over the health care needs of the many. COVID has amplified an existing problem. 

Come to our meeting and share your experiences, perspectives, and your questions.  Join us for personal healing, resources, strategies and positive change.

Three young people leaping over snow and ice. Happy, but also looks like the might be slipping.

Imagine! Health Care that Cares for You, Colorado

6:30 to 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 21, 2021 on Zoom & Facebook

Featuring State Rep. Emily Sirota, health providers, and Coloradans like you!

Learn how you can help get the word out about an important new study showing that we could cover everyone in Colorado with quality health care and pay providers well while while spending hundreds of $millions to $billions less than we spend now.

The bipartisan Health Care Cost Savings Act Task Force commissioned the Colorado School of Public Health to do the analysis comparing Colorado’s current health care system with universal health via many payers and with a single payer nonprofit universal health care system for Colorado. The nonprofit single payer health care system beat out the others for both coverage and cost: Colorado would save up to $billions over what we now spend while covering every single Colorado man, woman, and child.  We can spend less, cover everyone, increase employment, and have better health care for all in Colorado. Join us to learn more and take action to make universal health care a reality in our state. 

Check out this link to the full report.

Click here to read the 7-page summary.

A happy ban in a cap stands inside a rainbow, arms raised, in a sunshine yellow sky.

Imagine! Health Care that Cares for You

Featuring Michael Lighty, US Rep. Joe Neguse, and You!

The Colorado Foundation for Universal Health Care and 19 wonderful co-host partners hosted this kick-off Imagine event on June 24, 2021. Check out this blog of what attendees said universal health would mean to them.

A man stands on a rainbow in sunshine. Text reads: Imagine! Health Care that Cares for you, Colorado

Push to Pass Health Care Emergency Care Act

Colorado Kick Off—Nov. 30, 2020

Cover everyone with health care during the pandemic

Colorado groups that support single payer universal health care are teaming up to demand the affordable health care that we need.

Join us for the kick off campaign to get everyone the health care they need now. 

The Health Care Emergency Guarantee Act (HCEGA) will cover all out-of-pocket expenses for people with insurance and all health care costs for those with no coverage, for the duration of the pandemic.

Smiling people hold signs for Improved medicare for All


Smiling people hold signs for Improved medicare for All

Grow the grassroots monthly calls

6:30 p.m. the 2nd Tuesday of each month

Zoom: For login, email info(at)

Smiling people hold signs for Improved medicare for All

Racism as a Threat in Our Health Care System

A League of Women Voters of Colorado event

6:30 to 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 14 on Zoom.

Past Events

Smiling people hold signs for Improved medicare for All

Grand Junction: Healing US documentary 

Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 24. Movie at 7.

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Grand Valley
536 Ouray
Grand Junction, CO 21501

Two medical providers with glasses, one female and one male, in profile.

How do we get to racial equity in universal health care?

6:30 to 8 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 5 on Zoom

With an aim of ensuring racial equity in health care, panelists and attendees will delve into the question: What in a universal health care system would help it fully embody racial equity?

The event free but attendees are urged to donate to the Colorado Racial Equity Study.

Power panelists include Colorado State Sen. James Coleman, Sade Cooper, Bianka Emerson, JD, and Lelieth Thompson, PsyD. 

Two women of color talk in-depth outside.

Deep Values Canvassing Training with Michael Neil

6:30 to 8 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 25 on Zoom. You must register to receive the Zoom link.

The training will support single payer universal health care activists wishing to enjoy great conversations on health care with family, friends, neighbors and strangers that are respectful and productive. The training will also support anyone going door-to-door for the upcoming election.

A bunch of people in a row of various backgrounds and ailments together say "America, It's time for a Check Up."
A 3-D bridge of white jigsaw pieces almost meets at one red interconnecting piece.

Could a Universal Health Care plan work in Colorado?
A 2024 bill will investigate. Join our Info & Action Session

When: 6:30 p.m. Monday, Jan. 22 on Zoom
Get to know the bill to analyze a single nonprofit health care payment system for Colorado that CO Rep. Karen McCormick will introduce this month. She and Andrea Wilkins of Be the Agenda will give an overview of the bill: Analysis of Universal Health Care Payment System. Then we’ll open it up to answer your questions. CO4UHC Legislative Action Coordinator Virginia Gebhart will give a training on Navigating the CO Assembly Website to prep folks to testify at the Colorado Legislature in person or remotely.
Cost: Free; register to save your spot!

Greeley attorney Jeri Shepherd and US Sen. Bernie Sanders, who share a birthday of Sept. 8, are pictured side by side with cake and confetti.

Happy Birthday Fundraiser in Greeley
for Jeri and Bernie!

A woman screams as a freaky looking alien grabs her.

Colorado Health: From Chaos to Care

6:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 19 on Zoom and Facebook live

Public health, primary care, and community health unite!

Medical Professionals for Universal Health Care invite you to explore how primary care, public health, and community health can fit together and fix health care.

Speakers include:

  • Bernie Birnbaum, MD Family Medicine, Ft. Collins, former President, Larimer County Board of Health
  • Mark Wallace, MD, MPH, Family Medicine, Chief Clinical Officer for Sunrise Community Health, Weld County; Former Exec. Dir. Weld County Dept. of Public Health and Environment. 
  • Mitzi Moran, Chief Executive Officer at Sunrise Community Health in Greeley,Chair of the Health Care Cost Savings Act #1176 Task Force.

    Learn more about our speakers here. 

A woman screams as a freaky looking alien grabs her.

Your money or your life: private equity groups invade health care

The Colorado Foundation for Universal Health Care’s Patrica Rice hosts distinguished politcal science professor and author Laura Katz Olson, who’s book “Ethically Challenged: Private Equity Storms US Health Care” explores the motivations and maneuvers of these health care space invaders.

1 p.m. Thursday Jan. 26, 2023 on Zoom and Facebook live

Denver and Fort Collins city councils have endorsed improved Medicare for all! Your city could be next!

Workshop: Get your elected body to endorse Improved Medicare for All!

Join Fort Collins, Denver, the Town of Jamestown Colorado, and more than 100 US cities taking action.

Noon Nov. 19, 2022 on Zoom

A shattered stethoscope paired with the title Shattered Lives & Health Care Justice

Mend Our Broken US Health Care System!

Noon Saturday, July 30, 2022

Online on Zoom

Three young people leaping over snow and ice. Happy, but also looks like the might be slipping.

Health Care: Be Bolder Before we Keel Over

Vigil at 8:30, Speakers & Rally at 10 a.m. Friday March 18, 2023

Colorado State Capitol, NE lawn, 200 E. Colfax Ave. Denver, CO 80203

Smiling people hold signs for Improved medicare for All

Shattered: Moral Crisis in American Health Care

11 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 19, 2023

Online: Zoom

A happy ban in a cap stands inside a rainbow, arms raised, in a sunshine yellow sky.

Imagine! Health Care that Cares for You, Colorado

6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 21, 2022
