Our Story
The Colorado Foundation for Universal Health Care (CO4UHC) champions a single payer universal health care system (such as improved Medicare for All)—the simplest, most cost effective way to care for everyone.
Sometimes states must shine as beacons of innovation. Colorado could lead the way. We are the only group working on a universal health care plan for Colorado. We also work for national improved Medicare for All. Everyone deserves health care. We at CO4UHC will continue our work until every single human has the health care they need when they need it.
CO4UHC was founded in 1996 as the Patient Advocacy Coalition to help people overturn denials from health insurance companies and access affordable health care. Our work taught us that the U.S. for-profit health insurance industry system is broken; small tweaks will only make it more complicated and expensive; and the proven way to finance great health care for all affordably is with universal health care. In 2011, our Board of Directors voted to change our name to the Colorado Foundation for Universal Health Care.