The Basics

Improved Medicare for All (IM4A) means freedom from worry about how you will pay for health care. It means freedom from the fear of medical bankruptcy and freedom from medical debts that can take years to pay. Medicare for All is health care of, by, and for the people

Improved Medicare for All (IM4A) means freedom from worry about how you will pay for health care. It means freedom from the fear of medical bankruptcy and freedom from medical debts that can take years to pay. Medicare for All is health care of, by, and for the people
Full Coverage
IM4A would improve on the Medicare program that seniors love but without the co-pays, co-insurance, or deductibles that keep people from seeking care. Medicare for All would cover all your health care costs all the time. Go to the doc, it pays your bills. Go to the ER, you’re covered. Plus, it would include mental health, vision, dental, and hearing.

Full Coverage
IM4A would improve on the Medicare program that seniors love but without the co-pays, co-insurance, or deductibles that keep people from seeking care. Medicare for All would cover all your health care costs all the time. Go to the doc, it pays your bills. Go to the ER, you’re covered. Plus, it would include mental health, vision, dental, and hearing.

Everyone would be automatically enrolled so every American would have access to health care. One of the best things is that you could choose the doctor you want, not the doctor that’s in your insurance company network.

Everyone would be automatically enrolled so every American would have access to health care. One of the best things is that you could choose the doctor you want, not the doctor that’s in your insurance company network.

Like with Medicare, with IM4A, the government would pay the bills. Going to IMFA would reduce the high costs we pay for health care. How? Right now, Medicare spends only 2% of its budget on paperwork and administrative costs. For health insurance companies, it’s 20%. Also, we wouldn’t have to pay for insurance company profits, huge CEO salaries in the tens of millions of dollars, advertising, and campaign contributions that we pay now through insurance premiums.

Like with Medicare, with IM4A, the government would pay the bills. Going to IMFA would reduce the high costs we pay for health care. How? Right now, Medicare spends only 2% of its budget on paperwork and administrative costs. For health insurance companies, it’s 20%. Also, we wouldn’t have to pay for insurance company profits, huge CEO salaries in the tens of millions of dollars, advertising, and campaign contributions that we pay now through insurance premiums.

With Improved Medicare for all we would have the bargaining power that comes from the economics of scale to negotiate prices for drugs, medical devices, and hospital fees. Is it free health care? No. It would be paid for through taxes based on payroll, so that each person or family would pay according to their ability to pay.

With Improved Medicare for All we would have the bargaining power that comes from the economics of scale to negotiate prices for drugs, medical devices, and hospital fees. Is it free health care? No. It would be paid for through taxes based on payroll, so that each person or family would pay according to their ability to pay.

Medicare for All
Everyone in, no one out