On March 17, U.S. Reps. Pramila Jayapal and Debbie Dingell made history when they introduced a new, improved Medicare for All Act of 2021 into the House with a record number of cosponsors, 111 total, who represent more than half of House Democrats and the majority of Americans.
HR 1976 is a transformative legislation that would guarantee health care to everyone in America as a human right at a moment in which more than 87 million people are uninsured or underinsured during a pandemic. Endorsed by 300 local, state, and national organizations and co-sponsored by more than half of the House Democratic Caucus including 14 committee chairs and key leadership members, the landmark bill provides comprehensive benefits to all with no copays, private insurance premiums, deductibles, or other cost-sharing.
Rep. Jayapal promotes an inside–outside organizing strategy to win health care for every person in America. All of us together have arrived at this point. Rep. Jayapal and her co-sponsors are doing their part inside Washington—next up will be congressional hearings. So are Colorado US Reps. Diana DeGette, Joe Neguse, and Ed Perlmutter, who are among the Act’s 111 original cosponsors. Thanks to CO4UHC activists for urging them on! (Check out George Bohmfalk’s Aspen Times letter to the editor.)
The Colorado Foundation for Universal Health Care (CO4UHC) will work alongside partners to help secure additional co-sponsors for the Act.
The CO4UHC’s outside job is to educate, organize and activate Coloradans in support of simple guaranteed quality health care for all for life as ensured by improved Medicare for All. There is power in our numbers and together it is our job to harness this power and achieve our goal.
This is the crucial moment. The Medicare for All Act of 2021 moves forward just as the COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the weaknesses, inequities, negligence, arbitrariness and cruelty of providing (or not providing) needed health care.
With energy and passion, CO4UHC will strengthen the momentum for health care as a right. With your support and your activism, we will reach out to every Coloradan with education, information, and our values to organize into a strong grassroots movement. Working together, we can transform health care to be a right of everyone who lives in Colorado and America.
Thanks, CO M4A cosponsors US Reps. Joe Neguse, Diana DeGette and Ed Perlmutter!