Mitzi Moran, CEO, Sunrise Community Health
Born in Colorado, Mitzi was raised as the 4th generation on the family farm in Yuma, CO. She attended the University of Northern Colorado (UNC), graduating with a Spanish degree and a TESL minor. She is a graduate of the Sustainable Transformation Program, University of Northern Colorado, Monfort Institute; the Johnson & Johnson UCLA Health Care Executive Program, John E. Anderson Graduate School of Management at University of California; and the Regional Institute of Health and Environmental Leadership, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center & University of Denver.
While attending UNC and after, Mitzi worked for 14 years at North Colorado Medical Center in information technology; outreach services development; interpretation; quality and patient advocacy; and project management.
Those experiences served her well when she became the clinic manager at Sunrise Community Health (Sunrise) in 1998; she still loves the multiple hats one wears when working in a nonprofit organization. After serving as the director of operations, Mitzi became Sunrise’s chief executive officer in 2006.
Under Mitzi’s leadership, Sunrise has more than tripled in size and today is a recognized state and national leader in HIT adoption, integrated health care services, safety net collaborations, and professional health education.
Sunrise is a recognized Patient Center Health Care Home with national and state quality scores that reflect a dedication to best practices and innovative services.
Mitzi passionately embraces Sunrise’s mission: affordable access to quality care for all. She knows such access means people are better able to manage their health and care for their families. Mitzi has worked tirelessly throughout COVID, ensuring Sunrise is standing steady for its patients, its partners, and its employees as this storm rages.
Humbled to be on the Sunrise team serving over 40,000 people in need in northern Colorado, Mitzi also volunteers on several state and local boards, hoping to help our community be as healthy and vibrant as possible.
Other Positions Held
Chair and founder, North Colorado Health Alliance (NCHA).
Chair and founder, Northeast Health Partners (NHP).
Director, Colorado Community Health Network (CCHN). Currently lead Racial Equity Workgroup. Previously served as Chair and visited all 20 CHCs across the state.
Director, Colorado Community Managed Care Network (CCMCN).
Director, Public Health Benefit Corporation.
Member, Health Care Workforce and Homeless Task Force, National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC).
Chair, Health Care Cost Analysis Task Force (HB19-1176). Director, Community Radio of Northern Colorado (KUNC). Chair and Treasurer, Colorado Access.
President, Secretary, and Northern Colorado Development Director, Colorado Boys High School Volleyball Association (CBHSVA).
Treasurer, Weld Food Bank.
Member, Kiwanis of the Rockies.
Awards & Recognitions
Stanley J. Brasher Excellence in Community Health Gratitude Award – CCHN. Health Care Champion – Friends of a Women’s Place.
Northern Colorado Women of Distinction Honoree – Health Care, BizWest Media. Community Champion for Behavioral Health, North Range Behavioral Health.
Community Health Advocate, CCHN.
Exceptional Leadership in Workforce Development Award, CCHN. Health Professions Education & Training Award, NACHC.
Exceptional Administrative Leadership Award, Community Health Association Mountain/Plains States.
Updated: 04.30.24