
In today’s era marked by mass shootings, worry over the safety of children in schools has increased, and understandably so. Research shows that policing schools actually does more harm than good, especially for students’ mental health. Meanwhile, having enough school counselors is proven to help.

Kate Howard

May 12th 2021

Here are 5 reasons why young people should advocate for universal health care.

Universal health care has become increasingly more important as the threat of global warming and environmental destruction worsens…

Ezra Halstad

February 11th 2021

As a young woman in my 20s, I know many people my age who are no stranger to the lifestyle of the proverbial “starving college student;” however, many of them are not students at all, but full-time employed young people who struggle to pay rent and put food on the table, let alone pay for health care during a pandemic.

Molly McMillen

December 11th 2020